Botogram Madrasha

জামিয়া ইসলামিয়া হামিদিয়া কাওমিয়া বটগ্রাম কুমিল্লা

الجامعة الاسلامية الحميدية القومية كملا

Brief introduction of Jamia Islamia Hamidiya Kawmia, Botgram

Divine education is the backbone of the nation and the stepping stone to the progress of the nation. Healthy, accurate and accurate education is the key to building a civil society. And this education is the prerequisite for building a beautiful society and the tool to eliminate all kinds of incivility. No man-made system, but only the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah given by God can bring human success in this world and hereafter. Darul Uloom Deoband, a world-renowned Islamic school, was established in 1866 with the firm conviction of wide spread of Islamic education to protect the faith-Aqeedah and Tahzeeb-Tamaddun of the simple-minded Muslims of the subcontinent from the harmful effects of the British-introduced education system. Originally, Darul Uloom Deoband was an institution dedicated to the movement to protect Islam and freedom. Institutionalization of the spirit cherished by Ajanm among the visionary Ulama of the subcontinent at that time.

The main spirit of Darul Uloom Deoband was to free the country and the nation from the chains of ideological, political and psychological slavery through the implementation of the correct teachings and ideals of Islam in this subcontinent, then a British colony. Gradually, numerous madrasas of this style were built all over the subcontinent. Madarise kaumiya is a real example of that in our country. Jamia Islamia Hamidia Botgram is also one of the oldest and largest Islamic educational institutions operating in the light of the world-renowned Islamic school Darul Uloom Deoband.

Jamia Hamidiya Botgram at a glance

Location- Jamia Islamia Hamidia Ahlia Botgram, which is in the Batgram area under Sadar Dakshin Thana of Comilla district, is carrying a huge body of memory. Blessed with the spiritual direction of Hakimul Ummat Hazrat Thanvi R.H. and the Golden Man Qutubul Alam, Aref Billah Allama Abdul Hamid R.H. made by the hands of Shaikhul Hind Mahmudul Hasan Deobandi R.H. On the instructions of Shaykh Hakimul Ummat Thanvi R.H., according to his blessed dream, he established the foundation of this Jamia in 1908 AD on his own land.


Jamia Islamia Hamidiya Ahlia Botgram is a large religious educational institution based on the ideals of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat, which belongs to the world famous Madare Ilmi-Darul Uloom Deoband.


1. Through systematic training and tarbiyyah, with the aim of establishing the Prophet in Ahkam and Sunnah through the safeguarding and wide spread of Ilm Deen, the Haqqani used to produce scholars: through special training, to make them fit for the service of the country and the nation.

2. Preservation of Aqayed Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat and Hanafi in Fiqh and proper implementation of Talim Tarbiat in Deobandi Silsila.

3. Establishing justice in the society and introducing the Islamic social system at all levels through Jihadi activities through rooting out atheism and shirk bid’ah from the society by systematically dealing with the apostates who hate Islam.

Syllabus of Jamia-

Jamia Hamidiya is not a conventional educational institution. Jamia has designed its teaching methods with far-reaching planning. There is a system of class-based lessons starting from Kindergarten to the highest level of religious education, Daoray Hadith (Masters). In addition, the good reputation of gifting the intelligent Alamedin nation with multi-faceted abilities by proper implementation of multi-faceted plans including ilme Mantek, Arabic and Bengali literature has already spread in the international arena. On the basis of structured syllabus, Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, Tafseer, Usul, Aqeed, Arabic literature, Bengali literature, Grammar, Nahu, Saraf, Balagat including Bengali, English, Mathematics, History, Science, Geography, Philosophy etc. are required at the material level. Amount of education provided. Along with education, Jamia has been undertaking various programs from time to time with the great aim of imparting the benefits of Islamic education to the public. All in all, Jamia Islamia Hamidiya Ahlia Botgram is a multi-departmental mega project.

Jamia Education Scheme-

1. Noorani Maktab / Department:

In this department, 40 hadiths with complete Quran recitation, ampara and meanings were memorized in just two years. Basic Bengali, Mathematics and English are taught along with essential subjects.

2. Niger Division:

Young children from Noorani/Maktabath are taught complete Quran Sharif purely Najira from 6 months to 1 year. At the same time, all the tajwid education of international standards of lahan and tilawat were made suitable for hifz.

3. Hifz Division:

The complete Quran Sharif is memorized in 3-4 years under the supervision of famous Qaris of the country under the guidance of wise teachers. Through online mocking of international standards, world class Hafez is developed as Quran and Hafez completing students are made suitable for admission in Kitab department through special coaching.

4. Book Category:

It is the richest, largest and main department of educational management of Jamia. It is mainly in this department that the Kazari of the nation, worthy Almedin, is created. Based on the evaluation of the degree of religious education, the book section is divided into five levels at the basic level, ibatidaiyah (primary), mutawassitah (secondary), sanabiyyah (higher secondary), fazilat (degree) and takmeel (masters). In these five levels, a student is developed as a qualified scholar through full quality education in a total of 10 years.

Jamia Student Training Programme-

So that the students of Jamia can play a role in all spheres of religion and society

There are various arrangements. namely-

A. Al-Hamid Darul Mutalaa (Library): Apart from textbooks, there is a library full of informative books for the purpose of improving the scope of knowledge of the students to international standards, for knowledge about the contemporary situation and international context.

b. Speech Training: Jamia Asatizaye Keram organizes competitive weekly training speech seminars with the aim of bringing knowledge to the doorsteps of common people in a beautiful and fluent manner.

c. Deyalika: Bengali and Arabic Deyalikas are published to develop students as pen soldiers with the great aim of radiating Islamic literature and pure light against pen dealers of perverse western tastes.

Jamia Service Project-

1. Fatwa Department: Skilled mufti sahibs provide invaluable work from this department in solving complex problems arising from personal, family, social, religious and various types.

2. Faraj Section: This section outlines the equitable distribution of the immovable and movable property left by the deceased among the heirs according to the provisions of Shari’ah.

3. Dawat and Tabligh: Students go out every vacation to invite the common people to Deen and teach them Deen and build their own practical life. Regular 24 hours Tablighi program every week is properly implemented.

Educational success of Jamia-

As a result of achieving enviable success in various fields since its inception, the reputation of this institution has spread all over the world in a very short time. On the whole, this institution is widely appreciated by the Ulamae Keram and Sudhi Mahal. On the other hand, as a result of the sincere efforts of the skilled and experienced teaching staff, the students of this institution have been achieving consistent success by occupying the top and respectable positions in the merit list in various marhalas (levels) in the central examinations held under the Bangladesh Education Board.

last word-

In a pleasant residential environment, Qutubul Alam Allama Abdul Hamid. Thanks to this, the Jamia, managed by the sincere efforts of the experienced teaching staff, is moving forward at a smooth pace to achieve its desired goals. May the activities of Jamia Hamidiya be more dynamic and successful for the welfare of the country, nation and religion. Amen!

